¿Estas preparando un examen? No puedes encontrar la respuesta a tu duda? Tu novio es escocés, y no sabes que decir a su madre? . Preguntame lo que quieres saber….

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where is the pdf for practice? 29. May 2016

Good Question! 🙂

  • Go to any of the units of the videotutorial course: https://profesornativogratis.com/elcurso/
  • I’m taking Unit 2.4 (How to describe people: Be vs. Have) as an example.
  • Can you see the link? Click here, and the pdf. will open in another window.
  • You can download and print it. It goes with the videotutorial and the listening exercises.


What would be the passive/active of this sentence (I don’t know if its in passive or active): They will paint the old houses by next week 28. May 2016

It’s active: Somebody (a subject) is painting the house.

It sounds better in passive: You don’t know / don’t care who is painting. What is important is that:


For a full explanation on passives, click here!

What would be the passive of this sentence: More soldiers have been sent to Iraq every day 28. May 2016

This is Passive. The active form would be:

(The Government/The army?) has sent more soldiers to Iraq every day.

It’s a good example of why the active is better than the passive – you don’t need to know who is sending. You want to put the emphasis of the sentence on the soldiers.

Good evening! I would like to know the difference in meaning between these 2 sentences : ‘ Her father doesn’t want her to date with that man ‘ and ‘ Her father doesn’t want her dating that man ‘. I would have said it as the first one. Thanks a lot ! 26. May 2016

The person listening would suppose:

Sentence 1: They are not dating yet. The father is worried about the possibility.

Sentence 2: They are dating. The father doesn’t like the present situation.

Hola, quería saber si me ayudaría ha corregir un trabajo de ingles de la universidad…… por favor 20. May 2016

Siento decirte que me llega tu mensaje demasiado pronto. Es verdad que estoy pensando en ofrecer un servicio de correción de textos en Inglés, y espero poder lanzarlo en el verano, pero ahora mismo estoy a tope con el fin de curso, examenes de Cambridge, las clases, todo…


hola, como estas? queria saber formas de escribir email en ingles formal y informal algunas guias para saber. 17. May 2016

La verdad es que es algo que tengo en mi lista de ‘quehaceres’, aunque hasta el verano dudo que tenga tiempo para hacerlo, asi que te comento lo basico:

Los correos, tanto formal e informal, tienen un lenguaje mas conversacional. No tienen que tener una formula especifica como las cartas formales.

Eso dicho, en los correos de negocios, por ejemplo, no hay que usar contraciones: ‘I would’ en lugar de ‘I’d’, etc. Luego podras usar la misma lenguaje de una conversación entre desconocidos: ‘Could you…?’ ‘I’d rather…’ etc. El principio del correo sería ‘Hello (name)’ y el final, ‘Regards, (tu nombre)’

En informal, puedes escribir igual de como hablas:

‘Hi Sam:

How are you doing? D’you want to come to the cinema tonight? Let us know if you’re free.

See you!

In family, you can replace ‘see you’ with ‘Love’ (your mum, granny…)

how to write the writting? from roberto 16. May 2016

Have a look at this selection: letters, essays, argumentative and descriptive compositions…


Good morning, I have to do a task on simple past, and I think this well but tells me everything is wrong, I need help pls 13. May 2016

It’s a bit too much to explain in one or two paragraphs. I’ll just give you some examples and then tell you where to go for more practice:

John GOES to the cinema – John WENT to the cinema
I LIKE the film – I LIKED the film

I DON’T eat meat – I DIDN’T eat meat
DOES Sarah study? – DID Sarah study?

I AM sad – I WAS sad
ARE you at work? – WERE you at work?
The cat IS old – The cat WAS old

For videos and exercises (listening/grammar) click here. Go to the 3rd section ‘HABLAR EN PASADO’, especially the first 4 units.

What would be the passive of this sencente: People speak German in Germany 12. May 2016

“German is spoken in Germany” (‘…by people’ is unnecessary, as it gives no extra information).

For a full explanation on the passives, click here!

Good evening ! I would like you to explain to me the difference between the verb ‘ to make sb do sth’ and ‘to have sb do something’ . How many different meanings are there for having sb do sth? maybe one of their possible meanings is ‘ To pay sb for doing sth’ as in I had a mechanic take a look at the car ? Thanks a lot ! 10. May 2016

There’s very little difference between ‘make’ and ‘have’ in these cases, although the tone is not the same. You can HAVE a decorator paint your living room (or: GET him to paint your living room) but he probably wouldn’t like it if you MADE him paint, because it’s more like ordering or obliging someone to do something. If your son spills coffee on the floor, you can MAKE him clean it…

me puedes ayudar en mi exmanen? 6. May 2016

Claro que si, o por lo menos mostrarte a donde puedes ir para entender – ¿que te entra?

I need to know the types of houses and homes, their characteristics, artifacts, equipment, etc. from Moira 2. May 2016

That’s a very general question, but I’ll try…

First, types of houses-
Detached: Separate from other houses.
Semi-detached: Separate on one side, connected on the other.
Terraced: Connected on both sides in a row of houses, unless it is an ‘End of Terrace’
Cottage: Small country house (like in fairy tales)
Flat: One of a number of residences which share the same block.
Apartment: A smaller version of a flat.
Condo: A flat on two floors.
Bungalow: A house with no stairs, only one floor.
Chalet: A wooden house, usually for holidays only.

Now, furniture:
Click here for the mini-class!

…and a unit of the course dedicated to this: ¿Que haces en casa?

Is it “there are cars in the street or” there are cars on the street.? Is it I train at the gym or I train in the gym? I do not know which prepositons are correct. Please help me. 25. April 2016

There are cars IN the street

I train AT the gym, although it is also correct to say ‘IN the gym’ though not as common.

Explanation? Try my MINI-CLASS here!

a job interview what is a job interview? well, generally it is what follows after you have sent your CV to a prospective employer, and the people who are offering the job want to know more about you. the future employers now want to meet you in person and see what you look like, discuss your qualifications, and so on. there are several things you have to be very careful about: for example, the way you dress for that first meeting. if you are a boy, it is better to wear formal clothes a shirt is preferable to a T-shirt- and it may be be appropriate to wear a jacket or blazer. make sure your hair is tidy and your hands are very clean. if you are a girl, it is more appropriate not to wear a miniskirt and not too much makeup! another important point is punctuality. make sure you arrive on time. never be late! they may think you are not very reliable. When you are in the actual interview, answer the questions clearly and directly, and, if there is something you do not understand, ask them to repeat the question instead of giving the wrong answer. show that you are interested in the job, but do not be overanxious. relax, do your best and…good luck how should you dress for a job interview? if you are male? if you are female? why? is it good to arrive very early for the interview? why? when should you ask for the question to be repeated? 22. April 2016


Do you want me to check this to see if it’s OK? Grammatically, there aren’t any problems – but you have to include punctuation, as well as the capital letters at the beginning of the sentences.

Hi Jonathan ! I have a doubt with respect to the verb ‘ To feel’ . This verb is a stative verb so it cannot be used with an ing form. However, sometimbes it’s not used as a stative verb, in which case we can use it in a progressive form. What I don’t know is how to differenciate them in meaning. Thanks a lot ! 15. April 2016

Sorry – could you give me some examples of what confuses you?

In the summer of 2002 Simon went camping with his friends Lilly and Sam. They camped on the side of the lake and they did a lot of activities like fishing and canoeing. Right there Tom saw an incredibly beautiful woman and he stared at her. She caught her staring and she smiled and walked over to him. She introduced herself as Sarah. They talked for hours and they became friends. After the camp they began dating and they did everything together. In November of 2005 Simon and Sarah got married and they had a baby named Tom a year later. 10. April 2016

Very nice story…… (?)

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