¿Estas preparando un examen? No puedes encontrar la respuesta a tu duda? Tu novio es escocés, y no sabes que decir a su madre? . Preguntame lo que quieres saber….

If you provide an Email you will receive a message, once your Question is Answered.

hi i need to put this parragraf in present continious, i do it but i am not sure is ok, Mr lee es a bus driver, now are 7 am, he is waking up, and taking a shower then he eats his breakfast and puts on his uniforms. his wife is driving him to the station where he is going to check in with his supervisor . then he is getting on bus 405 and he is starting engine. then he is going to put out of the parking lot and he beginning his route 21. March 2015

OK- it’s not bad. You have put a present simple in the middle:

Mr Lee IS a bus driver, now IT’S 7 am, he is waking up, and taking a shower then he IS EATING his breakfast and PUTTING on his uniform. His wife is driving him to the station where he is going to check in with his supervisor . then he is getting on bus 405 and he is starting THE engine. then he is going to PULL OUT OF/LEAVE the parking lot and he IS beginning his route.

If you want more help with this, have a look at my videotutorials::

(Videotutorial) Present Continuous: ¿Que estan haciendo?

(Videotutorial) Present Simple vs. Continuous

what’s the difference between big/large. When do we use one or the other? 7. February 2015

Good Question! Really, the only difference is that ‘Large’ is a more formal way of saying ‘Big’. Apart from that, they are identical.

Hola, que tal? What is the meaning of: ‘What is your current notice period?’ 25. November 2014

It means you are looking for work! 😉

Cuando dejas un trabajo tienes que ‘give notice’ a tu empresa, que puede ser 2 semanas o un mes o más, dependiendo en tu contrato. This is a way of asking: ‘When are you available to work?’ or ‘When can you start?’ If you aren’t working, write: ‘None’ or ‘Immediate availability’.

¿ Tienes alguna Newsletter donde vayas enviando las clases a medida que las publicas?. Gracias 25. November 2014

Me gusta la pregunta!

La verdad es que llevo poco más de 3 meses en operación y aún no me he decidido por un newsletter. Publico lo que hago en Facebook y Twitter, entonces si me sigues sabrás cuando tengo novedades.

Durante las vacaciones escolares de Navidades y verano es cuando tengo más tiempo para hacer más videos y otras cosas…

Que pena el atrevimiento pero necesito esto urgente, bueno pero antes quiero agradecerte por los vídeos que tienes en tu pagina me han servido demasiado tus clases 🙂 este email es para si me podrías hacer el favor de revisar y corregir una presentación sobre mi familia. Muchísimas graciasMY FAMILY I’m going to introduce my family. My family is very happy, they are very important in my life, I love my family too much. My daddy His name is ……………., he is ……. years old, is smart and is good person. My father do not work any more. My mom Her name is ……….., she is …….. years old, she works with ICBF, it is an adorable, beautiful and very happy. My sister L.. She is gorgeous, she is ….. years old, and also works a mayoralty municipality of ……….. She haves a daughter of 2 years old, her name is ………. she is lovely. My sister S.. She is pretty and shy, is 9 years old and study in school. My youngest brother His name is ……, is friendly person, is 7 years old and also going to school. 22. November 2014

Tiendes a olvidar de poner los sujetos (SHE is, no ‘is’) y algun que otra ‘-s’ en los verbos, pero no esta mal.

I love my family SO much

HE is smart and is A good person. My father DOES not (doesn’t) work anymore.

She works FOR the IC… SHE is an adorable……

….also works FOR the council (council??=ayuntamiento). She HAS a 2-year-old daughter.

SHE‘s …. She HAS a 1-year-old daughter.

SHE’S 9 years old and STUDIES AT school.

HE is A friendly person, HE’s 7 years old and also GOES to school.

Ya esta! Recuerda poner el sujeto siempre (SHE’s) y los ‘-s’ de la tercera persona (De ‘have’ es ‘has’). Cualquier duda, me lo dices…

Hola! Una preguntita si puedes por favor contestarme que tengo una duda…como dirías en inglés te invitamos a una consumición mínima o descuento equivalente en otras consumiciones Gracias! 24. October 2014

Dejame pensar……
Es que ‘invite’ no siempre deja claro que te va a salir gratis, o que te lo van a pagar, entonces….
“Have a soft drink or beer on the house (or the same price taken off any other drink)”
Not very snappy, pero se entiende.
O sea, no ganaría premios de marketing por el slogan

Hola. My father…………. in the kitchen while my brothers were watching TV. Pongo was cooking or cooked? 24. October 2014

…was cooking.
Como regla general, si se usa ‘while’ (mientras) en las 2 partes de la frase se usa la misma forma del pasado. Al pensarlo en español, suele ser lo mismo:
While he went into the shop, I parked the car.
Mientras el entró en la tienda, yo aparqué el coche (Past Simple x2)
He was playing the saxophone while I was trying to sleep.
El estaba tocando el saxofono mientras yo estaba intentando dormir.

¿Me puedes ayudar con un email que tengo que escribir? I´m Lucia. I´m Spanish and I live in …… I´m 12 years old. I love sports for example the volleyball, I play the Autonomic and we go to autonomus community and we play in our town too! I like playing the guitar, becuase I go to the Conservatorio and we sing and study theory In my free time I Watching TV, ride my bike with my parents and play the guitar. One of my friends is Sara. We go to the Conservatorio and she plays the guitar. It´s very funny and a nice person, and she plays tennis Write soon! Lucia ¿Me he confundido en algo? 24. October 2014

Te lo corrijo, pero esta bastante bien…
1) The volleyball no, solo volleyball
2) I play at the autonomic level, mejor (aunque autonomo es una palabra que no se traduce bien- regional, maybe?)
3) Because, not becuase
4) In my free time I watch TV (estas hablando en general, no de algo que pasa ahora o pronto)
5) She’s a very funny person
Ya esta! fallos pequeños- no esta mal..

Hello- Is it better ‘more clever’ or cleverer? Thank you 24. October 2014

Cleverer is more correct.
There are some 2 syllable words which add ‘-er’ and ‘-est’: Narrower is another.
In everyday English it is not as strict as it is taught, but it’s best to get the habit

Hola. No entiendo cuando tengo que poner Where do you go and where do you going. Me lo puedes explicar? 24. October 2014

Hola – La diferencia es entre ‘Where do you go?’ (presente simple= en general) y ‘Where are you going?’ (presente continuo= ahora o pronto).
En la primera pregunta te pueden estar preguntando donde vas cada viernes, por ejemplo, y tu dices ‘I go to the cinema’, pero si te preguntan por este viernes, igual tienes otro plan, y dices ‘I´m going to my friend´s birthday party.’ Cuando piensas en las preguntas con ‘do you….?’ (o does) siempre son preguntas en general- Where do you live? Do you like pizza? What school does Juan go to? No puedes decir ‘What do you do tomorrow? (mañana) porque eso es ahora o pronto. Tendría que ser ‘What are you doing tomorrow?’ Pronto haré un blog de esto. Dime si no te he explicado bien.

Hola! Una preguntita si puedes por favor contestarme que tengo una duda…como dirías en inglés te invitamos a una consumición mínima o descuento equivalente en otras consumiciones Gracias! 24. October 2014

Dejame pensar……
Es que ‘invite’ no siempre deja claro que te va a salir gratis, o que te lo van a pagar, entonces….
“Have a soft drink or beer on the house (or the same price taken off any other drink)”
Not very snappy, pero se entiende.
O sea, no ganaría premios de marketing por el slogan

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