Guess Who?
Guess Who (or What)? Practise your comprehension of tenses, and of the passive, by guessing who (or what) the 5 clues are talking about… [responsivevoice] A: Who is it? 1. She has been referred to as ‘The Decider’. 2. She has … Continued
Guess Who (or What)? Practise your comprehension of tenses, and of the passive, by guessing who (or what) the 5 clues are talking about… [responsivevoice] A: Who is it? 1. She has been referred to as ‘The Decider’. 2. She has … Continued
Lee las pistas y encuentra el trabajo: Are you a teacher? Download this pdf. for your classes! m n b s h o p k e e p e r c a t v t d u j p … Continued