Prefixes and Suffixes
Use ‘-en-‘ as prefix or suffix to create verbs:
ENABLE = hacer posible
WIDEN =ensanchar
DEEPEN = profundizar
ENRAGE = enfurecer
STRENGTHEN = fortalecer
HEIGHTEN = alzar, aumentar
ENTRUST = poner confianza en
LENGTHEN = alargar
ENTAIL = conllevar (cada gato conlleva una cola 🙂
Now, how do you say…?
Hacer mas corto=
Hacer mas duro=
Hacer mas dulce=
And what do these mean?
You have to encourage him
I enclose a CV
An endangered species
I’m enrolling in a course
(shorten/harden/sweeten/tighten/darken-animar-adjuntar(en carta)/en peligro/matricular)
English Dictionary
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