Videotutorial: 3rd Person (Tercera Persona del Singular)
Es muy importante no sólo entender el tema de hoy. Mucha gente alcanza un nivel alto de Inglés, pero siguen cometiendo errores. Recuerda que hay 4 pasos a seguir en esta página- 1. El primer paso es abrir el pdf … Continued
Top 10 activity holidays in Europe
Read the text and answer the questions below. Remember: You can listen by pressing the ‘LISTEN TO POST’ button. You can check the meaning and pronunciation of any word with a double-click. This article titled “Top 10 activity holidays in … Continued
Christmas Day 1914
[sg_popup id=”19″ event=”onload”][/sg_popup] In one of the most heart-warming and moving scenes of war, British and German soldiers spontaneously put down their arms during the First World War to meet, exchange gifts and play a football match together. This is … Continued
Princess Diana Interview
BBC Interview with Princess Diana After the break-up of her marriage with the heir to the British throne, Prince Charles, this interview with BBC´s ‘Panorama’ programme is one of the most famous of television history. In this extract, Princess Diana … Continued
Richard Branson: Never do anything that discredits the brand
Interview with Richard Branson Richard Branson, billionaire founder of the Virgin Group, is one of the best-known and most successful entrepreneurs of the UK. He is often in the News for his extreme challenges: Solo ocean crossings in hot-air balloon, … Continued
Aubade: A Poem by Philip Larkin
Oxford Graduate, librarian and Jazz critic Larkin was chosen, almost two decades after his death in 1985, as Britain’s best-loved poet of the previous 50 years, and in 2008 The Times named him Britain’s greatest post-war writer. This poem, which deals with … Continued
Michael Buble Haven´t met you yet
ARE YOU A TEACHER? DOWNLOAD THE PDF. HERE! This is a great song to practise your phrasal verbs. Buble’s intonation is clear, and yet the phrasal verbs he uses are not simple (although they are all very common in everyday … Continued
Your Questions and Queries
¿Estas preparando un examen? No puedes encontrar la respuesta a tu duda? Tu novio es escocés, y no sabes que decir a su madre? . Preguntame lo que quieres saber…. [askme]
Present Perfect vs Past Simple: What’s the difference?
Lee este tema en Español When do we use the Past Simple (I did) and the Present Perfect (I’ve done)? Let’s have a look at an example, and then we can start talking about the difference: PAST SIMPLE Did you … Continued
City Stories from around the World
[widgets_on_pages id=”Menu”] City Stories: How people are making a difference Read this article from Britain’s best-quality newspaper ‘The Guardian’ and answer the questions to improve your Reading Comprehension skills. Remember: You can listen to the text by pressing the ‘PLAY’ … Continued
Is Texting Making our Kids Stupid?
Is texting making our Kids stupid? Read this article and answer the questions. Remember: You can listen to the text by pressing the ‘PLAY’ button at the end. Check the meaning or pronunciation by double-clicking any individual word . Use the Google … Continued
Martin Luther King’s Last Speech
Listen to this last, prophetic speech by Martin Luther King, the day before his assassination. This listening is ADVANCED due to its complexity, sound quality and length. You will later be able to read the transcript. 1. ‘Something is happening … Continued
U2: Songs of Innocence review – The Great Return?
U2: Songs of Innocence review Read this article about U2’s latest album, and answer the questions. Remember: Listen to the text by pressing the ‘PLAY’ button at the end. Check the meaning or pronunciation of any individual word by double-clicking. … Continued
Conversation between 2 people about tuna
Listen to this conversation and answer the questions below: Den: 1. Age: 2. Profession: Mary 3. Age: 4. Profession: 5. Where did they meet? 6. How long have they been married? 7. How does Mary like her tuna? 8. How … Continued
(Listening) Surfing Etiquette: The Do’s and Don’ts
Check out this video on the basic rules of surfing and then answer the questions below: 1. If there is an accident in the water, whose fault is it, according to Law? 2. What does the speaker suggest you do … Continued
(Listening) Yorkshire Pudding Recipe
[widgets_on_pages id=”Menu”] Yorkshire Pudding Recipe Today we are going to learn how to cook an essential part of Britain´s most traditional dish- Sunday Roast. Sunday Roast is not Sunday Roast if it doesn’t have Yorkshire Pudding- quick, easy and delicious … Continued
Youth unemployment: Are the Kids to Blame?
Kids: Too Lazy to Work? Are young people just too lazy to find work? Read this article and answer the questions. Remember: You can listen to the text by pressing the ‘PLAY’ button at the end. Check the meaning or pronunciation by … Continued
The End of Marriage?
Sex and the Singles Recent studies have showed that- for the first time- less than half of Americans are married. Read this article from ‘The Guardian’ and answer the questions. Remember: You can listen to the text by pressing the ‘PLAY’ … Continued
Dogs feel jealous of rival pets, study finds
JEALOUS DOGS Science seems to confirm what dog owners have always known. Read this article and answer the questions. Remember: You can listen to the text by pressing the ‘PLAY’ button at the end. Check the meaning or pronunciation by double-clicking any individual … Continued
Buried alive: the premature obituaries
Another great article from The Guardian! People that have been declared dead before their time- and no, it’s not depressing. In fact it makes a very good read. Remeber you can check the meaning and pronunciation of any word with … Continued