On vs In vs At

¿Ya te rindes?

Estas son las repuestas:

  • In the beginning, (coma) I thought he was a bad person. But later,….
  • At the beginning of the film there is a scene on the beach.
  • In the end, (coma) the man and the woman fall in love and get married.
  • At the end of the day, I always have a tea before I go to bed.
  • On the top es algo físico: On the top of the mountain
  • También on top of es otra manera para enfatizar ‘on’: “It isn’t in the fridge; it’s on top of the fridge.”
  • At the top se usa más por algo que no es físico: ‘He’s at the top of his game’ o ‘She’s at the top of the class’.
  • At last! = Finally!
  • It was a good idea at the time.

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