Diez videos cortos para comparar diferentes acentos de Inglés alrededor del mundo – Inglaterra, Australia, Jamaica, Hong Kong, Irlanda… con ejercicios. Aprende la pronuciación en Inglés. Nivel C1/C2 Avanzado
You’re going to watch ten short videos (more or less 1 minute each) and hear celebrities from the following countries talk. They all have a marked (not neutral) accent.
After each video, try to match the speaker with what he is talking about in the questions below- Which will find most difficult? And the easiest to understand?
Hay 10 personas hablando de diferentes paises. Escucha cada persona (1-10) uno por uno y identifica de lo que estan hablando (A-J). Pincha cada nombre para ver las respuestas.
A. Foreign influences on his field of work
B. Trying to explain something complicated in a simple way
C. Anxiety about settling into a new environment
D. Tough competition from abroad
E. His parents’ struggle to follow a dream
F. Switching between real life and fiction
G. A pleasant surprise in a dull situation
H. Unexpected advantages and surprising difficulties at work
I. A customer complaint
J. The dangers of fame on mental health
E. His parents’ struggle to follow a dream
H. Unexpected advantages and surprising difficulties at work
J. The dangers of fame on mental health
A. Foreign influences on his field of work
F. Switching between real life and fiction
B. Trying to explain something complicated in a simple way
I. A customer complaint
G. A pleasant surprise in a dull situation
D. Tough competition from abroad
C. Anxiety about settling into a new environment
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