CAE Cambridge Advanced Reading/Use of English Part 6

You are going to read four reviews of a book about how architecture can affect the emotions. For questions 37 – 40, choose from the reviews A – D. The reviews may be chosen more than once.

You should try to finish the exercise in 15 minutes. Use this timer to help you.
There is a space below the exercise where you can write your answers.

My advice – read and analyse the four questions before you read the reviews.

Use this notebook to write your provisional answers. When you finish, check your answers at the bottom of the page.

NOTEPAD: Your Answers


Click on the buttons to see the answers.


“ is left with the feeling that he needed the help and support of earlier authors on the subject to walk him across the daunting threshold of architecture..”


“…everyone, professionals within the field in particular, should read.”


From B: “….happiness has rarely been something architects think about.”

From A: “….architects do not normally talk nowadays very much about emotion and beauty.”


From C: “…most of de Botton’s revelations…..are not particularly new”

From B: “….he needed the help and support of earlier authors on the subject”