Alien Attack! Past Simple vs. Continuous

Hola a todos!

Hoy vamos a completar el ejercicio de la invasión de nuestros dos marcianos, usando el pasado de BE (was/were) y DO (did/2a columna).

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Primera Escena: Que hacían/estaban haciendo cuando llegaron los marcianos?

Segunda Escena: Que hicieron cuando llegaron los marcianos?


  1. (When the aliens arrived..) Samantha was brushing/cleaning her teeth, (and when the aliens arrived..) she jumped out of the window.
  2. Patricia was having a shower (..when the aliens arrived..) she shouted ‘Help!’.
  3. Natalia was waking up…. She got dressed.
  4. Orlando was cooking. He took/brought some food.
  5. Li was putting some plates in the dishwasher. She cried.
  6. Dean and Ayaan were watching TV. They looked out of the window.
  7. The bird was singing. It flew away.
  8. The dogs were running and jumping. They ran away.
  9. Brian was reading a book. He climbed a/the tree.
  10. Ms. Smith was having some tea. She said ‘Hello’.
  11. Molly and Norman were leaving the house. Norman hid behind a/the tree and Molly gave some flowers to the aliens (or: Molly gave the aliens some flowers).
  12. Squeaky was sleeping. Squeaky slept.

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