‘Going to’ Homework

Read this and choose the correct form of BE (I’m/He isn’t/They aren’t……) GOING TO…+ VERB. There may be more than one possibility.
Lee el texto y elige la forma correcta de TO BE con el verbo. Puede haber más de una posibilidad. Elige de estos verbos:
Choose from these Verbs:

Take/Catch/Get = Coger o Tomar

Win = Ganar

Rain = Llover

Go = Ir

Score = Marcar

Open = Abrir

Meet = Encontrarse con alguien

Stop = Parar

Get a drink = Pedir una bebida


1. You take your umbrella and leave the house. You look up at the sky- It’s black and cloudy. What’s going to happen?
It’s ……….

2. You see a man at the bus stop, looking at his watch. What is he going to do?

3. It’s starting to rain! Just as well (=menos mal) you have your umbrella. What are you going to do?

4. With the umbrella in one hand and your mobile phone in the other, you send a quick message to your friend: “SPORTS BAR- 8:00” What are you and your friend going to do?

5. It’s 2 miles to the bar and now it’s raining very hard. You see a taxi and raise your arm. What’s the taxi going to do? What are you going to do?
The taxi…

6. At last! You get to the bar. Your friend is waiting for you, but you don’t sit down. You say something and go to the bar. What did you say?

7. Football! The match starts: Liverpool vs. Manchester United. After 20 minutes, the Liverpool striker takes the ball and goes past 1, 2, 3 Manchester defenders….

8. Your friend is quiet and grumpy (=mal humorado) but you are very happy! It’s Liverpool 3 Man. Utd 0, with only 10 minutes left to play.
They (Liverpool)………

Question: Are nouns like Liverpool (the football team, not the city) The Police, Your family, The council Singular or Plural?

Answer: They can be both, but it is more common to use them in Plural-
My family are coming to visit me this Christmas.
The Police don’t know who did this.


In many cases the pronunciation of ‘going to’ sounds like ‘gonna’: “I’m gonna see him tomorrow”


The answers? Go to this page: https://profesornativogratis.com/h65fesr2