Present Perfect vs. Past Simple- Answers

1. Just before the accident I heard a loud noise coming from the car. CORRECT

2. How many times did you go on holiday this year? HAVE YOU GONE

3. (Llegas a casa y ves todo roto) But, what did you do? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?

4. I have lived in this town for 8 years now. OK, pero sería mejor: HAVE BEEN LIVING

5. What have you been doing lately? CORRECT

6. In these two weeks, I haven´t got enough time to visit gran. HAVEN´T HAD (‘haven’t got’ viene de ‘get’, asi que significa: ‘no he conseguido/recibido/llegado….)

7. He have just left- He finished 5 minutes ago. HAS

8. There was a problem. We didn’t sort it out yet. THERE HAS BEEN A PROBLEM. WE HAVEN’T SORTED IT OUT YET

9. I didn’t do years ago what I’ve been doing recently. CORRECT

10. Hi, Alex- You’re back from holiday. Where have you gone? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?

11. I´ve been learning English since 27 years, and I still don’t speak it! FOR 27 YEARS

12. Hi darling, did you have a nice day? HAVE YOU HAD A NICE DAY?