Homework: 2.3 Present Continuous

Elige la opción más lógica usando la conyugación de ‘Be’ y/o los verbos abajo. Usa la versión corta dónde se puede:

Wash = Lavar
Go = Ir
Ask = Preguntar
Come = Venir

Sarah: (on the phone) Hello, Mary! _______________ you _____________ your homework?

Mary: No, I’____________ not. I’______ _________________ a book.

S: And what _____________ your parents ______________?

M: They’___________ in the kitchen- Dad’______ ______________ dinner and Mum’____________ _______________ the clothes.

S: _______________ your brother at home?

M: No, he __________n’t. He’_____ _____________________ rugby with his friends.

S: __________________ they _________________________ in the rugby fields?

M: No, they _________n’t. They’______________ in the park, but why _______________ you ___________________ me these questions?

S: Because I’__________ _________________ to the cinema tonight- _____________ you and your brother ________________?

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