In, On or At (Places)

In, On or At (Places)

In = En/Dentro
In…..London, the garden, Spain, the box…

On = En/Encima/Pegado a algo
On……the table, the wall, the ceiling, the mountain…

At = En/Ni dentro ni encima
At……work (not necessarily IN a building), the traffic lights (not on or in), etc…


1. My nephew is studying ….. University, but he’s finished classes today and he’s…… the sofa…….the living room.

2. When I walked ……, my boss was sitting……. the table, and…… it was a piece of paper- My mouth went dry!

3. I was …… the airport building, I went outside and I saw some people waiting…….. the bus stop. 5 minutes later the bus came and everybody got ……

Notice that IN the airport, school, cinema, you are specifically mentioning INSIDE the building. If you are in the car park or playground, or generally speaking, use AT.


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