Homework: Know vs Meet

Rellenando los huecos usando ‘Know’ o ‘Meet’. Pueden estar en cualquier tiempo verbal, y por lo tanto puede haber más de una palabra.

1. Yesterday I MET Juan at the Shopping Centre.

2. Me and Jason HAVE KNOWN each other since (desde=present perfect) we were at primary school.

3. We´re MEETING (UP with) / GOING TO MEET (UP with) the lads after the match- Do you want to come? (Aquí es mejor incluir ‘up’, ya que es obvio que son un grupo de amigos)

4. I KNOW Simon quite well- I used to work with him, but I DON´T KNOW his wife at all. (‘bastante bien’ implica que estamos hablando en general- O sea, Presente simple)

5. What time shall we MEET? Does Tuesday afternoon suit you?

6. How DOES John KNOW Sarah? OR…..

7. How DID John MEET Sarah? (En español, ¿Como se conocen? y ¿Cómo se conocieron? da la misma respuesta)

8. I´m afraid that we CAN´T MEET / WON´T BE ABLE TO MEET you tomorrow. My apologies! Maybe next week?

9. He DIDN´T KNOW Mark until last Friday, at the party. OR…       (no le conocía= no sabía de él)

10. He HADN´T MET Mark until last Friday, at the party.                  (no le habá conocido= no le había visto)

