¿Estas preparando un examen? No puedes encontrar la respuesta a tu duda? Tu novio es escocés, y no sabes que decir a su madre? . Preguntame lo que quieres saber….

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l would like to study English , advise me please what should l do for it,what kind of exercises must I do) 10. December 2016

You haven’t told me what level of English you have, if you go to classes regulary, or what contact you have with the language. My answer would depend on these factors.

However, I’ll tell you my general opinion on the best way to learn English:

Little but often: Try to practise a bit every day, but establish a routine that you can maintain; 5 minutes of television in English, a short podcast in the car (BBC’s 6 minute English), 2-3 pages of a reading book (mine for example!) adapted to your level….

Grammar last! Don’t study grammar as a way of learning English in itself. Refer to grammar explanations and exercises when you have a doubt about something you have read, heard or spoken. That way you are putting it into practice, which is easier to remember.

Enjoy it! Think of your hobbies or what you are interested in, and join forums, facebook groups, youtube channels etc. in English. That way you can get into touch with other people and communicate with them in English.

Subscribe to my newsletter: If you haven’t done it yet- you get a free sample of my ebook, material and links, and the possibility of a free Skype class!

Let me know if you have any other questions!

buenas tardes. Hay alguna regla para saber cuando poner THE y cuando no en una oracion? 7. December 2016

Hola. Como no sé exactamente cual es el problema que tienes con ‘the’, te contaré la confusión que tiene la mayoría de los estudiantes. Mira este ejemplo:

ESPAÑOLHABLANTE: “I don’t like the children.”

NATIVO:”Who? Which children?”

E:”No, children in general.”

N:”Ah! You don’t like children. I like children in general, but I don’t like the children that live next door.”

Can you see the difference? If you are talking about something in general: cats, people, music, NO se pone ‘the’. Si te estas referiendo a algo especifico, si se pone.

The people son la gente que conociste ayer por la noche, the cats son aquellos que no te dejan dormir por la noche, y the music es la que toca tu grupo preferido.

Aparte de eso, se usa de una manera muy parecida que el Español.

Could you help me with this test? I tried two times but I failed! from Carlos Moncada 4. December 2016

It’s too much for this ‘Ask’ section! I’ll open a separate post with all of questions when I get some time. I’ll just give you the answers and then I’ll publish the post within a week or two.

In fact, you’ve given me some inspiration! I’ve just written a post to explain the punctuation, and I’m going to explain the other aspects in the test. Meanwhile, I’ll give you the answers straight out.

What level/test/exam is this?

4/40: D 5/40: D 6: E 7: B 8: A 9: C 10: A 11: C 12: D 13: D 14: A 15: B 16: B 17: A 18: C 19: D 20: A 21: D 22: C 23: B 24: E 25: B 26: B 27: D 28: A (D very common in everyday English) 29: C 30: B 31: B 32: A 33: D 34: C (This gave me a lot of problems! I think it’s C) 35: B 36: A (‘Whom’ is not very common in everyday English) 37: C 38: D 39: B 40: A

el verbo que aparece en esta oracion osea must :_he must be on time and make a good impression . es de obligation, possibility, low probability, rational probability, certain , ? 30. November 2016

Tengo que decir que este tipo de ejercicio no me gusta nada, porque si entiendes bien la frase, ¿que sentido tiene ponerle una etiqueta?

“El debe llegar a tiempo y hacer una buena impresión.” Ahora es la opinion de cada uno. Yo diría que es obligación, aunque si quisieras, podrías discutirlo (¿quien le obliga?), pero tiene más sentido que los otros.

APUNTE FINAL: Se suele pensar en la obligación cuando se usa ‘must’, olvidando que tanto en Español que en Inglés se usa para ‘adivinar’ o suponer algo:

There must be 50 people here in this party = Debe haber 50 personas aquí en la fiesta.
They must be on the plane now = Deben estar en el avión ya.

Para más información yejercicios sober MUST y otros modales, pincha aquí.

buen dia! queria preguntarte como identificar una oracion que lleve WHO de otra que lleva Who mas auxiliar, como logro saber cuando lleva aux y cuando no. podrias darme algunos ejemplos de oraciones?. muchas gracias 23. November 2016

Creo que sè lo que quieres decir-

WHO DID YOU SEE? = A quien viste (tu)?
WHO SAW YOU? = Quien te vio?

En la primera frase hay sujeto (YOU). Sabemos de quien estamos hablando. En la segunda no- es esa la pregunta.

WHO DID MR. HYDE KILL? = A quien mato Mr Hyde?
Hablamos de Mr. Hyde – si hay sujeto, hay auxiliar.
WHO KILLED BAMBI? = Quien mató a Bambi?
No sabemos de quien hablamos. No hay sujeto y por lo tanto no hay aux.


En estas preguntas no se puede poner auxiliar.

Good part of the day, dear Professor! I am preparing for passing C1/C2 exam. Could you please give me any advice on how to do it most successfully. I mean- what are the most effective methods of self-preparation? How would you prepare were you in my shoes? My best regards to you, Thanks a lot! 23. November 2016

I don’t know what you are thinking of taking. Cambridge Advanced? Proficiency? Another exam?

There are two things to take into account at this level. First: It's not enough to be 'good at English'. You need to prepare each part of the test and train yourself in certain exam strategies. There is a lot of material on Internet, and you can also get yourself a book to practise too.

At the same time (point two) I would not just focus on exam English. A lot of questions depend on what you know, on what 'sounds right'. You need to get the habit of reading newspaper articles, books and listening to series and news.

And patience! Try to establish a routine that you can keep. Good luck, and ask me if you have any questions.

Hello Jonathan: I’m Jose from Galicia and I would like to ask you your opinion about the Callan’s Method of English. I’m thinking to go to conversational classes and at the Univeristy of Santiago de Compostela there are these classes. I was watching a video on Youtube and honestly I think they speak very fast and the students haven’t almost time to think about what they are saying. I will be glad and very grateful if you can answer e about this. Finally I have to say that your classes and this website are amazing. Regards. Jose 18. November 2016

Hello Jose –

I’ll answer you quickly, and in a few days time I’ll answer with a bit more detail. Although I’ve heard of Callan’s English, I don’t know enough about it to give an opinion. I’m interested in what you have said, so if you give me a few days I’ll be able to tell you something…

OK Jose! (This is a joke*) I’ve watched some videos and I see what you mean. Everybody has their preferences, and there is no reason why my opinion is more valid than anyone else’s.

I like the emphasis on pronunciation, and that the grammar is taught through speaking, not through written exercises. For lower levels I can see that it could be very effective.

I haven’t seen videos for higher levels. My personal opinion is similar to yours – at all levels I like the students to create their own sentences, and I like to give them time to explain what they mean, and allowing them to make mistakes, just so that they get the habit of forming their own structures.

Having said that, I would encourage you to enroll (I have no idea of the price). In the end, it is a method based on speaking and listening, although some degree of student independence is missing, at least as I can see.

* In English, if you refuse or disagree with something, people often say ‘No Way José’. My ‘OK Jose’ is a variant.

Hello i am Sofía i m sixteen years los i m student in a big school my boyfriend is called Charlie and he is a fireman . I live in flandes , but I ‘m from Ibagué . My parents are in cartagena 11. November 2016



Hello I am Sofía. I’m sixteen years old. I’m A student in a big school. My boyfriend is called Charlie and he is a fireman . I live in flandes , but I ‘m from Ibagué . My parents are (l live?) in Cartagena.

Buen dia Profesor. Mi nombre es R***** soy de Argentina y estoy estudiando ingles, he visto su canal en youtube y me gusta su forma de enseñar, queria hacerle una pregunta sobre unos ejemplos que vi en un sitio de ingles y no lo entiendo quizas usted tenga un video explicativo sobre mi pregunta, lo que no entiendo es cuando una frase finaliza con TO  o con With por ejemplo: HOW MANY PEOPLE DO YOU LIVE WITH? WHAT SCHOOL DO YOU GO TO? WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO? preposicion, preposiciones, preposition - 8. November 2016

Buena pregunta!

Por suerte, la respuesta no es complicada. Simplemente, en Español la preposicion se pone al principio de la pregunta, y en Inglés al final:

A que colegio vas? = What school do you go TO?

CON quien vas? = Who are you going WITH?

DE que piensas? = What are you thinking OF?

Hola Profe como esta? Me podrías ayudar brindandome información acerca de cómo es la estructura de un “evaluation essay ” de 4 o 5 párrafos con un ejemplo para poder guiarme por favor. Muchas gracias. from Martin 28. October 2016


Es algo difícil decirte algo muy específico sin saber lo que tienes que evaluar – si un libro, un debate, un tema político o histórico, por ejemplo.

He escrito un artículo sobre este tema (Los llamo ‘Argumentative Compositions’), con ejemplos. Básicamente, examinas dos puntos y luego das tu opinión. Pincha aquí para leerlo.

Hello, excuse me, could you tell me if this traslation is correct? I listened to on the radio. “A better level of English will allow you to be up to your job and go that be further” (un mejor nivel de inglés te permitirá estar a la altura de tu trabajo y poder ir màs allá). Thanks! 21. October 2016

The last part is not grammatically possible. I am quite sure that you heard:

“…go that BIT further.”

I like your question, because it shows two important aspects of pronunciation – the long and short ‘i’ / ‘ee’, and the dropped ‘T’ at the end of many words.

I recommend you to have a look at this pronunciation lesson:

Pronunciation: Joining Words

Querido profesor me podria ayudar con esta traduccion: les voy a hablar un poco de nuestro celular. Las características de nuestro celular: – Su tamaño es de 9cm por 5cm y pesa tan solo 23 gramos – Puede sumergirse hasta 5 metros bajo el agua – Cámara principal de 12 megapíxeles y cámara frontal de 5 megapíxeles – Su pantalla es a prueba de golpes – Sensor de huellas dactilares – Disponible en color blanco y negro – Y su precio es de 400 dólares Esperamos llenar sus expectativas. Cualquier inquietud nuestros vendedores las atenderán. 20. October 2016

Aquí vamos:

I’m going  to tell you a bit about our mobile.

The characteristics of our mobile:

Its 9cm by 5cm and weighs just 23 grams – It can be put in water up to a depth of 5 metres. It boasts a 12 megapixel main camera and a front camera of 5 megapixels. Its screen is highly resistant to knocks and drops.  It has a fingerprint sensor, and is available in black and white. It costs 400 dollars, and we hope to surpass expectations.

If you have any questions our sales staff will be happy to help.


The Level Test is approximate, but it suggests that you are good enough to take (with preparation) a B2 exam such as the First Certificate from Cambridge.

B2 is Upper-Intermediate, but of course you may have different levels in the different skills: Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening and Use of English. For more information of what you need to know, visit this page:

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: Level Checklist



Hola me puedes ayudar a traducir esto: Mi nombre es Diana Karina Morales Abundis Soy dieciséis años. Estoy estudiando en CBTIS dos mil once, estoy en mi tercer semestre en la preparación de alimentos y bebidas Una de mis principales objetivos Son terminar la escuela con un promedio alto para poder entrar a la universidad en la facultad de derecho porque quiero graduarme y consegur un titulo Cuando termine mi carrera voy a conseguir un trabajo porque me voy a comprar una casa y un coche, a continuación, voy a viajar a Canadá, París, California y Nueva York porque quiero conocer esos lugares luego voy a casar y tener dos hijos porfavor! 25. September 2016

Hola Diana:

Una cosa es ayudar, pero traducir todo….como costumbre prefiero corregir, porque la idea de la página es que todos aprenden, y eso no lo vas a hacer si te traduzco todo.

Sin embargo, me pillas en buen humor, pero no te acostumbres!

My name is Diana….I’m sixteen years old. I’m studying in CBTIS…. I’m in the third term in the preparation of food and drinks. One of my main aims is to finish school with a high average so I can get into the faculty of Law at university because I want to graduate and get a degree. When I finish my degree I’m going to get a job because I’m going to buy a house and a car and then I’m going to travel to Canada, Paris, California and New York because I want to discover these places and then I’m going to get married and have two children.

(¡Tienes las ideas muy claras! Pero di tambien que quieres aprender Inglés!)


te an e-mail to a friend whois going to visit to your country, give advice about what He or She should and shouldn´t do while visiting. Give advice regarding the following aspects: Greeting/Saying hello Giving gifts Eating Clothes Other aspects Note: Use should or shouldn´t esa tarea no la entiendo 24. September 2016

‘Should’ significa ‘debería’ y ‘Shouldn’t’ ‘no debería’. Es muy sencillo.

Entonces puedes escribir frases tal como:

– If you come to my country you should take t-shirts and shorts, because the weather is very hot in summer.

(No puedo escribir mucho porque no sé cual es tu país y no sé que consejos dar, pero para que tengas la idea….)

You shouldn’t kiss in public.

If somebody invites you to their house, you should give them some flowers or chocolates.

People shouldn’t talk about politics.

Everybody should visit the capital city.

etc. etc….

Teacher please ! What have you done in your life that makeS YOU feel proud? in present perfect please 22. September 2016

I have done lots of things!

I have taught a lot of children and adults. It makes me feel proud to see people learn English with me.

I have written a book. I have done some paintings. I have set up this website…

…and most importantly, I have treated my pets as well as I can!

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