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me puedes ayudar a traducir esto … • El puente Chirajara, en la vía Bogotá-Villavicencio, era el emblema de la transformación en la infraestructura del país, uno de los más altos en el continente y de los más largos en Colombia, de connotación estratégica para la comunicación entre Bogotá y el Llano. • La estructura del Chirajara fue diseñada como un puente atirantado a más de 280 metros de altura y con una extensión de 446 metros, y estaba previsto para ser inaugurado en el mes de marzo de 2018. Por su diseño, el concesionario privado Concesionaria Vial de los Andes S. A. S. (Coviandes) ganó el Premio Nacional de Ingeniería en el año 2010. • El 17 de noviembre de 2017 recibió la visita del entonces presidente de la República de Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos y del magnate colombiano Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo, entre otros, indicando que el puente era similar a los construidos en países desarrollados como Suiza y Estados Unidos. • No faltaban más de 30 metros para quelas dos plataformas, mega estructuras de concreto, se juntaran por sus puntas y formaran así el puente más largo de Colombia, con una longitud de 446 metros. Un coloso que, sin embargo, se veía pequeño en medio de la monumental cordillera donde estaba emplazado. • El desplome del puente Chirajara ocurrió el 15 de enero de 2018 en la autopista al Llano, El desplome dejó un saldo de nueve obreros fallecidos y ocho heridos. Minutos antes del mediodía del lunes 15 de enero de 2018 uno de los dos pilones terminados del puente se desplomó por un falló de diseño, en el cual una viga no fue lo suficientemente resistente para soportar la infraestructura. Según las autoridades había entre 20 a 25 obreros en el lugar al momento de la desafortunada catástrofe, aunque se estima que serían solo 20 de los 200 empleados quienes estaban, en el lugar ya que en ese momento se estaba realizando una capacitación al otro extremo del puente. • La parte de la estructura que quedó en pie, luego de la tragedia, debió ser demolida porque no ofrecía las condiciones de seguridad requeridas. La implosión inició el 11 de Julio de 2018cerca de 20 minutos después de las 2 de la tarde, horaque en que estaba planeada, en ella se utilizaron cerca de 200 kilos de explosivos, 3 mil metros de cordón detonante y cerca de 30 detonadores. 22. September 2018

The Chirajara bridge, on the Bogotá-Villavicencio highway, was the symbol of the transformation of the country’s infrastructure, one of the highest in the continent and one of the longest in Colombia, with a strategic connection to link between Bogotá and the Llano.

• The structure of the Chirajara was designed as a cable-supported bridge over 280 meters high and long and was scheduled to be opened in March 2018. The private company Road Concessionaire the Andes SAS (Coviandes) won the National Engineering Award in 2010 for its design.

• On November 17, 2017, the President of the Republic of Colombia at that time, Juan Manuel Santos, and the Colombian tycoon Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo, among others, paid a visit, commenting that the bridge was similar to those built in developed countries such as Switzerland and the United States.

• There were no more than 30 meters missing for the two platforms, mega concrete structures, to be joined by their points and thus form the longest bridge in Colombia, with a length of 446 meters. A colossus that, however, looked small in the middle of the monumental mountain range where it was located.

• The collapse of the Chirajara bridge occurred on January 15, 2018 on the Llano highway. The collapse left nine workers dead and eight injured. Minutes before noon on Monday, January 15, 2018 one of the two completed pylons of the bridge collapsed due to a design failure, in which a beam was not strong enough to support the infrastructure. According to the authorities there were between 20 and 25 workers in the place at the time of the catastrophe, although it is estimated that only 20 – of the 200 employees – were in the place since training was being carried out at the other end of the field. bridge.

• The part of the structure that remained after the tragedy, had to be demolished because it did not provide the required conditions of safety. The explosion began on July 11, 2018 about 20 minutes after 2 pm, when it was planned, it used about 200 kilos of explosives, 3 thousand meters of detonating cord and about 30 detonators.

Me puedes decir como queda la oracion ‘Mi hermana diseño este vestido’ en voz pasiva 13. September 2018

La traducción directa (activa) es:

  • ‘My sister designed this dress.’

En pasiva cambiamos la frase así:

  • “Este vestido fue diseñado por mi hermana.”

Y la traducción es:

  • ‘This dress was designed by my sister.’

Lee este artículo sobre la pasiva:

The Passive

glass/a/round/small/table como ordenar esta oracion 24. August 2018

A small round glass table


Orden de Adjectivos (pero tampoco tienes que poner todos!):

Three beautiful big old rectangular brown French dining (tables).

One useless tiny new circular yellow Chinese sports (shoe).

  • Cantidad o numero
  • Calidad, tu opinion
  • Tamaño
  • Edad
  • Forma
  • Color
  • Nationalidad, origin, material
  • Su uso o propiedad

how can I download the test? 9. August 2018

Do you mean the level tests? I’m afraid it’s not possible. They are set plugins from other sources.

This is not a question…. Thanks for your place… I wish you all the best. 28. July 2018

Thank you!

Feel free to leave any suggestions or comments. You can also contact me at: contact@profesornativogratis.com

How can i take the KET exam? 24. July 2018

Simple! Go to this page, select your country and ‘KET’ (if you are 16 or under, ‘KET for Schools’*) and look at the list of centres which do the exam. It costs about €100 and takes 2 hours. For more general information, click here.

Remember to practise with sample KET exams here.

*There is no difference of level between ‘For Schools’ and ordinary exams. Simply, ‘For Schools’ generally deal with topics that interest young people: music, school, sports, technology….


como quedaría ordenada esta condicional? dragon/if/my/brother/had/a/as/mom/wouldn´t/like/my/pet/it 10. July 2018

Pues yo diría que así:

“If my brother had a dragon as a pet, my mum wouldn’t like it.”

Disculpas! Me es imposible escribir ‘m*m’ con la letra ‘o’.

Diferencias entre: punto y seguido, punto y aparte, punto final en un dictado, y ademas que significa MANY A? Mil gracias… from Franz 1. July 2018

Punto y seguido = Full stop (USA = Periodo)
Punto y aparte = Full stop, new paragraph.
Punto final = Full stop and finish.

‘Many a ……’ is a literary technique. It’s not common in conversation. I’ll give you a few examples:

  • Many a time I’ve wondered if it was a good idea.
  • Many a painter has had to go hungry before being discovered.
  • Many a Saturday has been spent on the sofa watching TV.

Basically it’s the same as ‘many times/painters/Saturdays/people……’ but in singular.

As I’ve said, it’s just a technical device, with no real difference in meaning.

I hope that helps!

Could you correct a writing of mine?? 2. June 2018

If it’s not too long (200-250) words approx, that’s fine!

Good evening! I can not see the answers to the “accents 2” excercise . It keeps charging and charging… These are my answers: 1E, 2H, 3J, 4A, 5F, 6B, 7I, 8G, 9D, 10C. Could you, please, be so kind as to tell me if I am wrong? Thank you!!!! I am sitting CPE on 14th june and I would like to improve my listening skills. Thank you!!!! 15. May 2018

It’s fixed! Thanks for telling me. The quiz programme I was using hasn’t been updated and now it doesn’t work. I’ve changed it now though.

You’ve got 5/10: You started out really well and then got lost. Try again!

….and good luck with your Proficiency exam!

English Accents 2

como hago preguntas wh en presente simple? 25. April 2018

Cual es la respuesta a el will y going to de. You…..(make) lunch, i can´t do it. 25. April 2018

La diferencia entre ‘will’ and ‘going to’ no es una cuestion de correcto o incorrecto sino cual es más apropriado. Para entender mejor, lee este articulo:

Expressing the Future

La verdad es que no es tan claro. Yo diría ‘You’re going to make lunch’ porque la persona que habla ya ha hecho una decision.

buenas tardes . cual es la diferencia entre “belong” y “settle in” ??? 21. March 2018

Although they can sometimes be used in a similar way – depending on the context – they are quite different.

If you belong to a sports club or a tribe, you are a part of it.

‘Settle in’ is the period of time that it takes you to adapt to a new environment – a new job or a different town, for example.

‘It took me a long time to settle into the company, but now I really feel like I belong.’

Remember that ‘belong’ literally means ‘to be owned by’. Your ‘belongings’ are things you own. If you own a car, it belongs to you:

‘Who does this bag belong to?’

‘People’ es contable o incontable? 18. March 2018

‘People’ es contable y plural:

  • People are difficult to understand
  • The people in that area speak a different language

Es mejor pensar en ‘people’ como la traducción de ‘personas’ (plural) en lugar de ‘gente’:

  • Las personas son dificiles de entender
  • Las personas de esa zona hablan otro idioma

Hey , sir , i want to know where i can find books or websites which contains Academic Vocabulary. I’m getting ready for the TOEFL exam and i’d like to know if you can help me ,Thanks from Manuel 16. March 2018

I’m sorry to say I have very little knowledge or experience of TOEFL exams, for no other reason than nationality – I was born in the UK, and as such am a teacher of British English, and TOEFL is a US English exam. My experience is of Cambridge and Oxford Trinity exams (I’m a Cambridge Speaking examiner), so I’m sorry to say I’m not the best person to ask. However, there are a few links I can recommend:

Free TOEFL Practice Material

Download the Official App

And, of course:

General Advanced Material

I hope this helps!


i need to know the end sound of the verbs in past for example walked ends with id, d, or t ? 12. March 2018

The question has a very long answer (learn all the verbs) or a shorter, more general idea:

You have to try and end all the verbs with a ‘-t’ or ‘-d’, not ‘-id’. ‘Walk’, for example, is ‘WALK-t’. It is very common for this sound to attach to the next sound, especially if it is a vowel:

  • I walk in = I WAL – KIN.
  • I walked in = I WALK – TIN

So, how do you choose between ‘-t’ and ‘-d’. I know this maybe isn’t the answer you are looking for, but try it, and see which sound is easier for you. For example, many teachers will tell you that ‘wash’ is ‘WASH-d’, but if you pronounce ‘WASH-t’ it’s perfectly OK. The important thing is that there is an added sound to differentiate it from the present, and that it isn’t ‘-id’.

Try pronouncing the words below. I’m including the sound that I use, but it doesn’t really matter if it is pronounced with ‘-t’ or ‘-d’:

  • played (d)
  • cleaned (d)
  • cooked (t): When the verb ends in ‘k’, it’s always ‘-t’
  • cured (d)
  • climbed (d)
  • finished (t)
  • laughed (t)
  • asked (t): It’s easier to pronounce /arst/, without the ‘k’.
  • hoped (t)
  • liked (t)
  • allowed (d)

Remember: If you find it easier to pronounce the ‘t’ instead of ‘d’ (or vice versa), there’s no problem with that.

And when do we use ‘-id’? Basically, when you can’t pronounce ‘-t’ or ‘-d’. ‘-id’ becomes the only option available. Try to pronounce these words with ‘-t’ or ‘-d’ at the end. It’s impossible:

  • decided
  • painted
  • wanted
  • ended

A a general rule, these verbs end with a ‘d’ or ‘t’ sound (decide, paint, want….)


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